Often time insurance adjusters want you to give them a recorded statement about your accident and injuries. Agreeing to give one can sometime lead to denied claims or reduced payments due to the strategic ways insurance companies try to use your answers against you.

Reasons Not to Agree

  • Your Words Can Be Taken Out of Context and Used Against You

Some insurance adjustors can have a very friendly and approachable way of conducting these recorded sessions which may make certain people more comfortable to share more personal information. This can put you at risk to fall for trick questions or even accidentally make inconsistent statements. This is exactly what insurance companies need to discredit you or to get certain responses from you. 

  • You Might Not Have or Know All of the Details of Your Injuries Yet 

Most of the time many underlying injuries need extra time, screening, and tests to be found and providing recorded statements early on would mean giving insurance companies inaccurate or incomplete information. Eventually, if any other problems arose, it would be very hard to fix or change a recorded statement. 

  • Your Statement Serves No Purpose 

You are not required to give a recorded statement, nor will it do any good for you. You can give your statement at a later time during the deposition with your attorney there to protect you. Many people have the misconception that giving a statement will either speed up the process or benefit them in any way. That is not true and you are never obligated to give a statement. 

If You End Up Giving a Statement

Overall, many attorneys do not recommend recorded statements but if you are to give one here are some things to keep in mind. You should always stick to the facts and do not let the adjustor get carried away. Remember you are in charge of the interview, and you should not feel forced to say anything you are not comfortable with disclosing. You also have the right to record your own statement. There are many benefits to having your own recording of the statement given, but the biggest one would be your ability to listen back and remember exactly what was said. Lastly, it can be very helpful to prepare a statement or have something written down prior to the interview so you go into it prepared already knowing what you want to say. 

Have you been injured in an auto accident? Contact our office and let us get you the maximum compensation you deserve. 

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