When in an accident with an uninsured driver, these 5 steps are extremely important. 

1. File a Police Report

Do not feel remorseful or sorry for an uninsured motorist/driver at a scene of an accident. Failing to file a police report can prevent you from recovering any compensation for your damaged property and injuries. It will additionally be much more difficult to prove who was at-fault for the accident, without any witnesses. The police report will provide record of the accident. Call 991, do not leave the scene and remain patient. Write down or take photos of the report number, the names of the police officers, and their badge numbers.

2. Do Not Admit Fault, even Partial Liability, for the Accident

Never admit the accident was your fault even if you think it was. Never discuss a car accident with the other driver. Even just saying “I’m sorry” could be misconstrued as an admission of guilt. Provide honest answers to any questions asked by the police, but do not go into unnecessary detail and/or make any potentially incriminating statements.

3. Get Medical Care

If you need any medical care, immediately address it by going to a hospital or urgent care. You may develop symptoms or pain hours or days later because of high adrenaline levels or shock. Whenever these symptoms develop, it is important to seek immediate medical care. Untreated injuries may worsen substantially.

4. Get in Touch with your Insurance Company

Call your insurer as soon as possible to describe your version of the accident. Provide the adjuster with all of your documentation, statements, contact information for the uninsured driver and photos. Better yet, jump to the next step and let your attorney handle everything.

5. Contact an Attorney

Don’t go at it alone. Studies found that a claimant who is represented by legal counsel, ‘net’ (after medical bills and attorney fees have been paid) in excess of 3 times more money than if they handle their own auto accident claim. An attorney can investigate the circumstances of the accident to identify potentially liable parties, and give you a better idea of how your claim will proceed. Additionally, an attorney will connect you with medical doctors and battle the insurance company on your behalf.

By following these critical steps, you can help your case and your potential lawyer in determining the facts of the case, collecting vital evidence, and getting you compensated fairly in an accident with an uninsured driver.

Have you been injured in a car accident? Let our office get you the maximum compensation you deserve. Call us now.

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